- Opened on 1. Avgust 1953
- Check points: 80
- mountain huts: 49 obligatory, 6 optinal
- peaks: 22
- museums: 3
- natural and cultural heritage and settlements: 5
- Trail:
- length: 617,4 km,
- altitude diference (uphill): 37.300 m,
- altitude diference (downhill): 37.600 m;
- Time to walk: 37 days (possible also in 28 days)
Slovenian Mountain Trail - leafletleaf
The Slovenian Mountain Trail is the longest transversal hiking trail/route in Slovenia and the first transversal hiking trail in Europe (from 1953). Until 1991, the Slovenian Mountain Trail was named the Slovenian Mountian Transversal.

Hiking across the Slovenian mountains started in 1953 with the path which was not only revealing its beautiful features but also taking the mountain hikers from the Pannonian plains across plateaus and hills all the way to the Slovenian coast. Here, everyone can find something for their own taste. Professor Ivan Šumljak (1899-1984), a publicist, lecturer and head of the Maribor trailblazing unit, sent a written proposal for the mountain trail to the Slovenian Alpine Association as early as 1950. While performing trailblazing, it occured to him: »Why not connect all these spots by means of one single blazed trail which would extend further on, across the entire Slovenian territory ...!« This is how Slovenia became the first European country to have a unique transversal trail.
Hikers can begin or end the Slovenian Mountain Trail in Maribor, Debeli rtič or anywhere else. The trail has no restrictions in terms of time and is marked by means of the Knafelc blazes (white dot with a red circle around it and an Arabic number 1 - picture below). It leads through routes which can be classified in three groups, namely easy, demanding and very demanding routes.
The trail starts at city of Maribor from where you ascend to Pohorje hills. You will leave Pohorje behind after two or three days of easy walk along nice, fresh and dark spruce forests. Next town is Slovenj Gradec. From there you »climb« (easy walk) to Uršlja gora and on the first Alpine ridge on your trail - Smrekovec (the only ex-vulcanic mountain in Slovenia). In a day or two of very nice, sunny and panoramic walk (full of blueberris in late July and August) you will sleep in the hut below the first two thousander - Raduha. It will also be the first step on difficult and very difficult mountain trail.

From Raduha you will have to descent Savinja river valley (Savinjska dolina) and later climb to Ojstrica. Now you are already in the heart of Kamnik-Savinja Alps (Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe). In next few days you will climb a lot of peaks above 2.000 meters. The last one will be Storžič where you will leave Kamnik-Savinja Alps and step on long, sunny and with grass overgrown hillside of Karawanks (Karavanke).You will leave them above village of Mojstrana where Slovenian mountain museum is located. Mojstrana is also an entrance to Triglav national park. In two days you will be standing on the top of the highest slovenian peak and our national symbol - Triglav. Julian Alps will be your home for a few days all the way to Franja Partisan Hospital near small town of Cerkno. This is also the last farewell to the high Alps. From now on you will walk in company of forests and karst wonders. You will also start with slow descent (with some climbs) against the coast - you will reach it in a week.
Some stages of Slovenian mountain trail are categorised as very difficult. Exposed sections are equipped with steel cables and iron pegs. In order to safely enjoy these trails, you should have adequate experience, have a good head, and know how to use a via ferrata kit. A helmet is mandatory. |

Hiking maps:
Pohorje and the north-eastern section
The Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe (Kamnik-Savinja Alps)
- Andrejev dom na Slemenu mountain hut (1,096 m)
- Dom na Smrekovcu mountain hut (1,377 m)
- Koča na Travniku mountain hut (1.548 m)
- Koča na Loki pod Raduho mountain hut (1,520 m)
- Velika Raduha (2,062 m)
- Koča v Grohotu pod Raduho mountain hut (1,460 m)
- Kocbekov dom na Korošici mountain hut (1,808 m)
- Ojstrica (2,349 m)
- Koča na Kamniškem sedlu mountain hut (1,884 m)
- Frischaufov dom na Okrešlju mountain hut (1,378 m)
- Kranjska koča na Ledinah mountain hut (1,700 m)
- Križ (Koroška Rinka) (2,433 m)
- Skuta (2,532 m)
- Cojzova koča na Kokrskem sedlu mountain hut (1,793
- Grintavec (2,558 m)
- Jezerska Kočna (2,540 m)
- Češka koča na Spodnjih Ravneh mountain hut (1,543 m)
- Planinski dom na Kališču mountain hut (1,540 m)
- Storžič (2,132 m)
- Dom pod Storžičem mountain hut (1,123 m)
- Koča na Kriški gori mountain hut (1,471 m)
- Koča na Dobrči mountain hut (1,478 m)
The Karavanke (Karawanks) Mountain Range

The Julijske Alpe (Julian Alps)
- Slovenian Alpine Museum in Mojstrana ()641 m)
- Aljažev dom v Vratih mountain hut (1,015 m)
- Dom Valentina Staniča pod Triglavom mountain hut (2,332 m)
- Mountain huts of Triglavski dom na Kredarici (2,515
m), Dom Planika pod Triglavom (2,401 m) or Koča na Doliču (2,151 m)
- Triglav (2,864 m)
- Pogačnikov dom na Kriških podih mountain hut (2,052
- Razor (2,601 m)
- Prisojnik (2,547 m)
- Vršič - mountain huts of Tičarjev dom na Vršiču (1,620 m), Poštarski dom na Vršiču (1,688 m) or Erjavčeva koča na Vršiču (1,515 m)
- Zavetišče pod Špičkom mountain hut (2,064 m)
- Jalovec (2,645 m)
- Koča pri izviru Soče mountain hut (886 m)
- Julius Kugy monument , 823 m
- Triglav National Park info centre Dom Trenta (626)
- Zasavska koča na Prehodavcih mountain hut (2,071 m)
- Koča pri Triglavskih jezerih mountain hut (1,685 m)
- Komna - mountain huts of Dom na Komni (1,520 m) or Koča pod Bogatinom (1,513 m)
- Planinski dom pri Krnskih jezerih mountain hut (1,385
- Gomiščkovo zavetišče na Krnu mountain hut (2,182 m)
- Koča na planini Razor mountain hut (1,315 m)
- Vogel (1,922 m)
- Rodica (1,966 m)
- Dom Zorka Jelinčiča na Črni prsti mountain hut (1,835
- Koča na Poreznu mountain hut
(1,590 m)
- Bolnica Franja partisan hospital (536 m)
South-western section

It is good to know:
Hikers using mountain trails are advised to learn about the current state of the trails by checking the website stanje-poti.pzs.si/en by asking at the local mountain hut, or by enquiring at the local alpine club. If you notice any damaged or inadequately maintained parts of a mountain trail (damaged guards, faded trail markings, heavily overgrown trail, rockfalls, etc.), please send email to poskodbe.poti@pzs.si. Please indicate on which mountain trail you noticed the damage, describe the problem, and add a photo, if possible.
WARNING: Mountain hikers use the trails at their own risk. Mountain trail users must behave in a responsible manner so that they do not endanger or hurt themselves or others. A user must use mountain trails in a manner which does not cause any damage to the trail or to the land, property or buildings adjacent to it, nor causes any harm to the flora and fauna along the trail. It is prohibited to restrict access to mountain trails and to damage, remove or destroy trail markings, direction boards, boxes and protective equipment or any other labels. It is also prohibited to use unmarked shortcuts. |